Art Teacher Announcement - Ms. Ruth Moreno
Chesterton Academy of St. George is thrilled to announce the hiring of its first art teacher for next year - Ms. Ruth Moreno!
Ms. Moreno grew up in Hillsdale, Michigan and received her Bachelor of Arts in Politics with a minor in Art from Hillsdale College in 2022. She works full-time with Protect Life Michigan, a pro-life advocacy organization, and is excited to help support PLM’s life-saving mission in her home state. Ms. Moreno is also happy to have the opportunity to continue enjoying art through her position teaching at the Chesterton Academy of St. George. In her spare time, Ruth enjoys drawing and painting, reading, playing sports, spending time with her family and friends, and rooting for the New York Yankees
With her liberal arts background from Hillsdale College, as well as her passion for beautiful art, Ms. Moreno will bring to the school a truly integrated view of education. “I love art because art connects the human mind to the world in a way that elevates both,” she says. “Art interprets reality, helping humans understand every facet of life in a very personal, and beautiful, way. When studying art, one also studies everything art depicts, thus tying together many different areas of education.”
Mr. Anderson, headmaster of Chesterton Academy of St. George, says that hiring the right art teacher was a priority for the school. “From the beginning of this process of founding the school, we felt that one of the most important aspects of the curriculum was art. Therefore, we have been praying that God would send us a teacher with a heart for the beauty of His creation, and we believe Ms. Moreno is the answer to those prayers.”
Ms. Moreno is excited to meet the Chesterton Academy community and serve the students by leading them to a deeper appreciation of the true, good, and beautiful. “I wouldn’t be the person I am today without the many teachers who’ve influenced me over the years. I’m incredibly grateful for my education and think that one of the best ways for me to give back is to share the joy of learning with others through teaching. I hope to be a good steward of the things I have learned so that others may learn the same through me.”
With Ms. Moreno’s hiring, the school has now completed it’s hiring for the founding faculty. Please keep Ms. Moreno and the rest of Chesterton Academy of St. George’s faculty in your prayers.