Introducing Our Headmaster - Mr. Matthew Anderson
The Board of Directors for the St. George Foundation for the Classics is pleased to announce the hiring of the first headmaster of the Chesterton Academy of St. George: Mr. Matthew Anderson
Mr. Matthew Anderson, Headmaster
Mr. Anderson comes to Chesterton Academy with nearly a decade of experience in Catholic education in addition to a formation in the classical liberal arts tradition. Originally from central Illinois, Mr. Anderson received his bachelors in philosophy from Christendom College in Front Royal, VA, where he also met his wife Elizabeth. Later, he earned a master’s degree in Systematic theology from the Graduate School of Christendom College, writing his thesis on the topic “Justice through Love: Punishment and Satisfaction in Sacred Scripture and St. Thomas Aquinas.”
“I’m excited to bring my background at Christendom into this job of forming the Chesterton Academy of St. George,” says Mr. Anderson. “In my own life, I have seen how living in an authentic Catholic community steeped in the tradition of the Church can deepen one’s relationship with Jesus Christ. Now, I hope that we can provide a similar experience through this new school.”
For the past seven years, Mr. Anderson has been teaching high school theology at the local diocesan high school in Jackson, MI. During that time, he taught classes on Apologetics, World Religions, Sacraments, Sacred Scripture, and the relationship between ancient philosophy and the fathers of the Church. This experience working with modern high school students was part of what made him want to be involved with Chesterton Academy.
“Working with young men and women in high school is an incredible joy. It is an age where the mind is truly seeking the why of so many issues. Students in high school, especially today, are yearning for an integrated worldview. The curriculum at Chesterton answer’s that longing, helping students see all of life through the lens of the Catholic faith.”
“Working with young men and women in high school is an incredibly joy. ”
Mr. Anderson will be focusing for the next year on getting the school off the ground, including finding a location, recruiting students, meeting with potential donors, and hiring teachers. He and his wife hope to one day send their five children to the school as well.